Wednesday, March 27, 2013


We did a GLORIOUS job this year if I do say so myself. We're actually going to need a dozen more than initially thought. They make such a nice centrepiece for the table. And looking over these photos we definitely need more yellow in there.

And thus.
We DID do the F**k You egg but for those more delicate readers I shall obscure the potentially offending script. Below are a few close up snaps.
The JKO one is for the three of us: Mum, Dad, and me, all happy together in one place.

See the Warrior Beetle egg? Raaarrrrr.

Those V's that you see are birds, dear reader. And that misshapen animal is supposed to be a rabbit but Mum's crayon slipped and then the egg slipped so . . . that's what you get.


You may have seen from the JKO egg above, Easter is a bittersweet time for me. Easter morning three years ago my Dad left early for his next rehab stint and I never saw him again. He died on Memorial Day a few months later. So whilst I am cooking and welcoming spring and being happy and busy, I am also remembering standing with him in the driveway and giving him the biggest and strongest hug I could and saying "You can do it, Daddy." I never realised I'd never hug him again.
That's why we do the f**k you egg every year. Because strange and irreverent and sacreligious as it may seem, it's our way of saying hello to him, and our way of making sure that he's always part of things, no matter where he is.
More egg pictures when we do them, as well as recipes and lots and lots and LOTS of construction paper bunnies to come! Beetle out.

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