Sunday, March 10, 2013

Happy Mothering Sunday!

First post. Here we go.

In honour of my dear mother, and to maintain our monarchist leanings, Mothering Sunday was celebrated today. And what better way to say "you are a good mom" than scones?

I was still in the post-run shower (desperately trying to dethaw) when she got back from the gym, so I left *this* on the stove for her to see. I was rewarded with a large hug when I came down, and she didn't even tell me to take shorter showers. A rare occurance.
Of course, making something like scones is ridiculous and silly for me (to be explained ad nausea, trust me) but when I have no intention of partaking in the baked item, then it can include all sorts of fun things like butter and whole milk. The "only" stipulations for Mom Scones are minimal if at all sugar, and she hates both raisins and currants. I adapted the recipe, switched out for whole wheat flour, halved the butter and added more milk. I took out ALL the sugar which may horrify some people but whatever. The person who made these first apparently likes raw scones. They cooked for half an hour instead of 15 minutes, and I made them into the appropriate "scone" shape, which is what you see above. Enough of this triangular nonsense, people. Scones should be round. Like biscuits. End. Of.
By the time I came down, one had disappeared and another handful were heating up in the oven. When slathered with butter and marmalade, the result was thus:

Herewith the recipe, with my edits:


1 cup whole wheat flour
2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1 stick butter, softened
1 1/4 cup quick-cooking oats
1/2 cup milk

- Preheat oven to 375.- Mix together flour, baking powder and salt.- Cut in butter until it's very crumbly.- Add in oats.- Add milk, mix until everything's evenly wet. You can add more milk if you need to.- Shape into the "proper" scone shape with your hands.- Bake on cookie sheets, either with parchment paper or greased, about 30 minutes until browning around the edges. You can of course increase the oven temp if you're in a hurry.

NB: this is not everyone's thing. You can absolutely add back in 1/3 cup of sugar, or honey, or agave, or whatever you choose to use. Or put in raisins or currants or anything else you like. This is just a simple, easily adaptable, quick scone that I could do watching "American Supernanny", eating rice cakes, and putting on mascara at the same time. They should all be that simple.

Happy Mothering Sunday to all the mum's in the world.

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